10/22/2023 A Python setup on MacOS

A memo describing how to setup a robust Python environment on MacOS >= Ventura 13.5

Know which version your system is using

python3 --version

python3 -m pip --version

At runtime :

import sys

Setup pyenv to manage your versions

See the pyenv README

brew install pyenv

Then basically for fish shell, add the following in config.fish :

set -g -x PYENV_ROOT $HOME/.pyenv
fish_add_path $PYENV_ROOT/bin
pyenv init - | source
echo $PATH
# outputs :
# /Users/myuser/.pyenv/shims ...

pyenv versions
# outputs :
# * system

# Requires a build environment to build Python new versions
  # xcode-select --install
  # brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib tcl-tk
pyenv install 3.12.0

pyenv version
# outputs :
# * system
# 3.12.0

# Use the 3.12.0 installed version globally
pyenv global 3.12.0

python3 --version
# outputs :
# Python 3.12.0

# to restore the system version globally
pyenv global system

Pyenv relies on the usage of so-called shims, visit https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv for further documentation

which python3
# outputs : 
# /Users/myuser/.pyenv/shims/python3

Setup your development environment

For neovim, thanks to mason plugin, you can easily provide :

# lsp server

# tools
# python linter
# python linter and static type checker
# python code formatter

Start a project with venv (virtual env)

mkdir myproject && cd myproject

python3 -m venv venv

cd venv

# outputs :
# bin   include    lib    pyvenv.cfg

Activate the venv:

source bin/activate

# or for a fish shell
. venv/bin/activate.fish

You can check with which python that you are now in a virtual env.

Notice that it's activated in the current shell only.

Deactivate the venv:


# or
. venv/bin/deactivate.fish

Reproducing dependencies in another venv

You can easily list your project's dependencies :

python3 -m pip list

To save all of your explicit package dependencies into a file (which, by convention, is named requirements.txt) :

# list your dependencies
python3 -m pip list

python3 -m pip freeze > requirements.txt

cat requirements.txt
# outputs :
# numpy==1.16.2
# pytz==2018.9

Then imagine you'd like to have another venv that matches the myproject environment :

python3 -m venv otherproject

cd otherproject

source bin/activate

The otherproject will have no extra packages installed :

(otherproject)$ python3 -m pip list
# outputs :
# pip 10.0.1
# setuptools 39.0.1

# install the myproject deps :
(otherproject)$ python3 -m pip install -r ../myproject/requirements.txt

# Check !
(otherproject)$ python3 -m pip list

Useful commands

Keep pip up-to-date :

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

List pip packages :

python -m pip list

Useful packages

Enhanced python interactive shell :

python -m pip install ipython

The IPython kernel, which allows IPython to be used as a Jupyter kernel :

python -m pip install ipykernel

Jupyter and the Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a notebook authoring application, under the Project Jupyter umbrella.

Before Jupyter Notebook, which is at the time of writing the current standard, one could use IPython Notebook.

See documentation on Jupyter Notebook.

Jupyter Notebook server webUI

The Jupyter notebook combines two components:

requirements :

python -m pip install jupyterlab

Run your local Notebook server by executing:

jupyter notebook

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the Jupyter Notebook interface launching in your browser on http://localhost:8888/

Useful commands to show your current configuration :

jupyter --config-dir
jupyter --data-dir
jupyter --runtime-dir
jupyter --paths

Most of the time, you will wish to start a notebook server in the highest level directory containing notebooks. When you need to open a single notebook document, run directly :

jupyter notebook my_notebook.ipynb

The Jupyter Notebook server is a communication hub between :

The Jupyter server, not the kernel, is responsible for saving and loading notebooks, so you can edit notebooks even if you don’t have the kernel for that language. You just won’t be able to run code.

To run notebooks in languages other than Python, such as R or Julia or Typescript you will need to install additional kernels.

See documentation on Jupyter notebook architecture.
See documentation on running the Jupyter notebook.
See documentation on using the Jupyter notebook.
A useful .gitignore

Compiling and running TypeScript in Jupyter with Deno

To use Deno in your notebook, you must have the Deno kernel installed. First, you can test run your Deno kernel by running the following command: