1/20/2024 Firefox tips

see https://github.com/yokoffing/Betterfox

Native Firefox hotkeys : Cmd+T / Cmd+W

Note : Because it's native, it works on all tabs, even empty new tabs or settings tabs ! But because VimiumC remapping feature is not native, let's say your remap Cmd+W to x, unfortunately this remap will not work on those specific tabs like new empty or settings tabs.

Focus with CMD+L and unfocus with F6. Note that F6 is a general prupose shortcut : Move to Next Frame, Pop-Up. But isn't the address bar useless when you can use Mozeidon and VimiumC ?

Install addon Mozeidon and use RayCast plugin

<C-e> launch RayCast plugin
<Cmd-W> exit RayCast

Install addon Vimium C

<yt> duplicate tab

Install addon Better jump to tab

<Cmd-8> switch to first
<Cmd-9> switch to last

Install addon Move Tab Hotkeys and customize the shortcuts :

<C-u> move to start
<C-b> move to end