5/22/2021 AWS connection with AWS-vault

We commonly use aws configure to connect to Amazon via aws-CLI.

But entering Access Key Id and Secret key, or storing them in bash variable or file, is not completely safe, nore handy.

Let's try to connect AWS using another CLI tool: enter aws-vault.


an AWS IAM user, with programmatic access and with Admin permissions and MFA custom policy. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_examples_aws_my-sec-creds-self-manage.html

Install and set up

Install aws-vault (with brew on MacOS), and then :

aws-vault --version
aws-vault add [AWS-iam-user]  // will let you enter you AcessKey params

You then have to set up your aws config file :

vim ~/.aws/config
[profile myIamUser]
mfa_serial=arn... // if MFA, this can be found via the AWS console.

Connect with aws-vault

The following command should log you in AWS (duration is set up to the maximum)

aws-vault exec myIamUser --duration=12h

Once we are done, we can test AWS-CLI

aws s3 ls

Monitor and Log out

aws-vault list

aws-vault clear [myIamUser]