1/20/2021 Puppet server/agent conf


You should register the dnsnames of your machines in your registrar,

or use a mapping of your IP inside /etc/hosts.

Throughout this example, I use :

Install on ubuntu 18.04

You can find debian-based packages on https://apt.puppetlabs.com

# in your homedir, 
# replace the right pkg and version, for agent or server

wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppet7-release-bionic.deb
sudo dpkg -i puppet7-release-bionic.deb
sudo apt update

Now you can find and install the latest versions with :

apt-cache search ^puppet

After your apt-installs, modify your PATH and add to it:

#inside .bashrc or your shell conf
export PATH=$PATH:"/opt/puppetlabs/bin/"

check if puppet is not running on the server nore on the agent,

and if it is, stop it.

# on server
systemctl status puppetserver
systemctl status puppet

# on agent
systemctl status puppet

Now let us configure the agent puppet.conf file


server = pupmaster.egovelox.com
certname = pupagent.egovelox.com

Configure the server puppet.conf file


server = pupmaster.egovelox.com
certname = pupmaster.egovelox.com

vardir = ...
logdir = ...
rundir = ...
pidfile = ...
codedir = ...
dns_alt_names = pupmaster.egovelox.com

Setup the SSL certificates

Start puppetserver on the server :

systemctl start puppetserver

and simply run :

# use -h if needed

puppetserver ca setup

Now the server is ready, let's switch to the agent and start it:

systemctl start puppet

Then try to run :

puppet agent --test

Could not fetch certificate from CA server; you might still need to sign this agent certificate

Back on the server, we should see the pending certificate :

puppetserver ca list

Now you can sign it with the following command :

puppetserver ca sign --certname pupagent.egovelox.com

Back on the agent , check again :

puppet agent --test

and you should be done for the basic install.

Next steps

You might be interested with the following puppet docs to get familiar with this tool :